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Grant Recipients (II), 2023-2024

May 20, 2024

Recipients in the American Region                       Unit: US$

(in order of date application received)

A. Research Grants

1. Rachel Core

Stetson University
“Food Markets, Street Vending, and the Post-Pandemic Cosmopolitan Canopy in Taiwan”
Grant amount : US$23,175
Grant period : 2 years

B. Scholar Grants

1. Stacey Van Vleet

University of California, Berkeley
“The World the Medicine Buddha Built: Tibetan Medical Governance in Qing Inner Asia”
Grant amount : US$27,579
Grant period : 1 year


2. Rivi Handler-Spitz

Macalester College
“Savage Script: How Chinese Writing Became Barbaric”
Grant amount : US$26,000
Grant period : 1 year


3. Dalton Lin

Georgia Institute of Technology
“The Political Economy of China’s Belt and Road Initiative”
Grant amount : US$17,000
Grant period : 1 year


4. Huijun Mai

University of California, Los Angeles
“Poets in the Kitchen: Food Literature and the Birth of a Gustatory Epistemology in Song China (960–1279)”
Grant amount : US$26,000
Grant period : 1 year


5. Jianqing Chen

Washington University in St. Louis
“Touchscreen Media: The Touch and its Users in Contemporary China”
Grant amount : US$28,859
Grant period : 1 year


6. Thomas Kelly

Harvard University
“The Unfinished Book, c. 1644: Memory and Manuscript Culture in the Ming-Qing Transition ”
Grant amount : US$25,000
Grant period : 1 year


7. Najung Kim

University of Richmond
“Displaced Landscapes: The Art of Ni Zan (1301/06-1374) and Voices of the Marginalized”
Grant amount : US$16,961
Grant period : 1 year

C. Conference and Seminar Grants

1. Joshua Fogel

York University (Canada)
“Translation within a World of Chinese Characters: China, Japan, Korea, Vietnam”
Grant amount : US$20,000
Grant period : 6 months

D. Publication Subsidies

1. Randy Schmidt

University of British Columbia Press (Canada)

Not Just a Man’s War: Chinese Women’s Memories of the War of Resistance against Japan, 1931–45”, by Yihong Pan

Grant amount : US$5,000

Grant period : 1 year


2. Amanda Todd

University of California Press Foundation

In the Global Vanguard: Taiwan, Agrarian Development, and the World”, by James Lin

Grant amount : US$5,000

Grant period : 1 year


3. Beth Fuget

Chinese Characters Across Asia: How the Chinese Script Came to Write Japanese, Korean, and Vietnamese”, by Zev Handel

Grant amount : US$5,000

Grant period : 1 year

E. Doctoral Fellowships

1. Marc Lagace

McMaster University (Canada)

“Harui Kuishina! Devotional Yoga in the People’s Republic of China”

Grant amount : US$20,000

Grant period : 1 year


2. Christopher Hu

University of Virginia

“The New Gold Mountain: Education, Ethnicity, and Privilege in the New Jersey Chinese Ethnoburb”

Grant amount : US$20,000

Grant period : 1 year


3. Yi Lu

State University of New York, Albany

“Parenting ‘Model Minority’: Class, Gender, and Family Life of Chinese Immigrants”

Grant amount : US$20,000

Grant period : 1 year


4. Teng Ge

University of Chicago

“There is no I in Team: How Chinese Basketball Prodigies Failed to Become Champions”

Grant amount : US$20,000

Grant period : 1 year


5. Weizheng Lai

University of Maryland, College Park

“China’s Trade Liberalization and State-Owned Enterprises”

Grant amount : US$20,000

Grant period : 1 year


6. Man Ning Chan

University of California, Santa Cruz

“Music, Tradition, and Politics: A History of Qin-zither in Early Modern China”

Grant amount : US$20,000

Grant period : 1 year


7. Benjamin Kletzer

University of California, San Diego

“China’s Dream of the Red Railway: Professional Railroaders and the Making of an Industrial Power”

Grant amount : US$20,000

Grant period : 1 year


8. Maï-Lan Marine Thaler

University of Ottawa (Canada)

“Buddhism as an Instrument of Diplomacy for the People’s Republic of China, under Xi Jinping (2012): New Strategies of Influence Aimed at Southeast Asian Countries, including Taiwan”

Grant amount : US$20,000

Grant period : 1 year


9. Xiao Schutte Ke

University of Pennsylvania

“More-than-human Governance Beyond the State: Grassroots Science, Highland Expertise, and the Politics of Conservation in Amdo Tibet”

Grant amount : US$20,000

Grant period : 1 year


10. Wandi Wang

University of California, Santa Barbara

“Taste and Gastropoetics in Traditional China, 9th-17th Century CE”

Grant amount : US$20,000

Grant period : 1 year


11. Yedong Chen

Harvard University

“Videogaming China: Performance, Pleasure, and the Politics of Play”

Grant amount : US$20,000

Grant period : 1 year


12. Yang Qu

Harvard University

“Obsession with India: Literature, Spirituality, the Quest for Alternative Modernity in Early Twentieth Century China”

Grant amount : US$20,000

Grant period : 1 year


13. Keyun Tian

Cornell University

“Troublesome Bodyminds: Sexuality and Debility in Contemporary Sinophone Cultures”

Grant amount : US$20,000

Grant period : 1 year


14. Matthew Douthitt

Pennsylvania State University

“Clandestine China: Extraterritorial Violence and the National Revolution Abroad, 1895-1917”

Grant amount : US$20,000

Grant period : 1 year


15. Jiaqi Yao

University of British Columbia (Canada)

“Journeying to the Authentic Borderlands: Chinese Travel Narratives in the Era of National Crisis, 1931-1945”

Grant amount : US$20,000

Grant period : 1 year


16. Christopher Chan

University of California, Berkeley

“Crafting for the Enemy to Come: The Production of Techno-Aesthetic Security, Infrastructural Imaginaries, and the Cultural State Apparatus in the Taiwan Strait”

Grant amount : US$20,000

Grant period : 1 year


17. Tsz Ching Joy Zhu

University of California, Los Angeles

“Geology as Antiquity: The Invention of Hong Kong’s Prehistory”

Grant amount : US$20,000

Grant period : 1 year


18. Yajie Wang

Yale University

“The Fiscal Politics of Economic Openness in Contemporary China”

Grant amount : US$20,000

Grant period : 1 year


19. Yvonne Lin

University of California, Berkeley

“The Aestheticization of Pastness in Postsocialist Chinese Media”

Grant amount : US$20,000

Grant period : 1 year


20. SJ Zanolini

Johns Hopkins University

“Everyday Medicines: Prescribed Foods in Early Modern China”

Grant amount : US$20,000

Grant period : 1 year


21. Ruoxuan Wen

McGill University (Canada)

“Echoes of Mid-Eastern Han Changsha: A Rediscovery of the City’s Administrative, Family, and Social Dimensions in the Light of Excavated Documents”

Grant amount : US$20,000

Grant period : 1 year


22. Kaho Yasuda

University of Pennsylvania

“Soldering Through Time and Space: Taiwanese Mobilizations in the Mid-Twentieth Century”

Grant amount : US$20,000

Grant period : 1 year


F. Dissertation Fellowships for ROC Students Abroad

1. Chiao-wen Chiang

University of Hawai‘i, Mānoa

“Making (K)new Knowledges and Performing Indigeneity: The Politics of Music and Environment in the Indigenous Yami/Tao Community, Lanyu, Taiwan ”
Grant amount : US$20,000
Grant period : 1 year


2. Shih-an Wang

University of Chicago
“Judicial Strategies under Geopolitical Distress: A Comparative Study of the Constitutional Courts of Taiwan, South Korea, and Lithuania”
Grant amount : US$20,000
Grant period : 1 year


Recipients in the European Region                      Unit: €

(in order of date application received)

A. Research Grants

1. Angela Schottenhammer

Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Belgium)

“The Spread of Disease across the (South-)East Asian Seas: Environment, Health, and Medicine (1560 to 1850)”

Grant amount : €65,000

Grant period : 3 years


2. Ruben Gonzalez Vicente

University of Birmingham (UK)

“Development at the Final Frontier: China and Taiwan in the Caribbean”

Grant amount : €21,000

Grant period : 3 years


3. Beatrice Zani

Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (France)

“Out of Sight, Out of Mind? Migrant Fishers, Seafarers and Farmhands and the Impact of Digitality on their Work, Life and Activism”

Grant amount : €70,000

Grant period : 3 years

B. Database Grants

1. Mary Brazelton

University of Cambridge (UK)
“Lu Gwei-Djen as Biochemist and Historian of Chinese Science: Recovering a Major Archive”
Grant amount : €60,000

Grant period : 2 years

C. Conference and Seminar Grants

1. Lama Jabb

University of Oxford (UK)

“Seventh International Seminar of Young Tibetologists: A Platform for Global Dialogue and Collaboration”

Grant amount : €16,000
Grant period : 6 months

D. Publication Subsidies

1. Jana S. Rošker

University of Ljubljana (Slovenia)

“Publication Subsidy for the Book Chinese Philosophy in Transcultural Contexts: Comparative Approaches and the Method of Sublation”, by Jana S. Rošker

Grant amount : €5,000
Grant period : 1 year


E. Doctoral Fellowships

1. Yiqiao Yan

École Pratique des Hautes Études (France)

“Charity, Ritual, and Spiritual Work in Wartime Chengdu and Chongqing, 1938-1946”

Grant amount : €16,800

Grant period : 1 year


2. William Blythe

University of Oxford (UK)

“Speak Mnemosyne: A Genetic Study of Qian Zhongshu’s Limited Views

Grant amount : €16,800

Grant period : 1 year


3. Laura Boyer

Écoles des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (France)

“Saving Animals: A History of fangsheng 放生 (“releasing life”) in China, from the 18th to the 20th Century, through the Study of Jiangnan Charitable Societies and the Study of Books, Images and Proselytizing Discourses Exhorting People to Practice fangsheng

Grant amount : €16,800

Grant period : 1 year


4. Yuqing Sun

Charles University (Czech Republic)

“Deconstructing the Artist’s Image: A New Perspective on Tang Yin’s Art”

Grant amount : €16,800

Grant period : 1 year


5. Georgijs Dunajevs

Julius Maximilian University of Wurzburg (Germany)

“Ordering the Extraordinary: A Study of Textual History, Thematic Structure, and Sources of the Taiping guangji

Grant amount : €16,800

Grant period : 1 year


6. Stefan Kukowka

Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales (France)

“Aspiring World Peace Through Education: Pure Land Societies and the Global Promotion of Traditional Chinese Culture”

Grant amount : €16,800

Grant period : 1 year


7. Yaojing Wang

The University of Edinburgh (UK)

“Unsettling Desire for Gaming Among Working Adults in China: Digital Technology, Play, and Work”

Grant amount : €16,800

Grant period : 1 year


8. Xu Peng

University of London (UK)

“The Rise and Fall of Two Chinese-impacted Rebel Groups in the China-Myanmar Borderland: Wa and Kokang”

Grant amount : €16,800

Grant period : 1 year


9. Alexandra Nachescu

University of Vienna (Astria)
“Funerary Couches in Fifth Century Datong”
Grant amount : €16,800
Grant period : 1 year


10. Simon Lam

University of Oxford (UK)
“Shunde County from Post-war to Civil War: The Political Reconstruction of Guangdong, 1944-1949”
Grant amount : €16,800
Grant period : 1 year

F. Postdoctoral Research Fellowships

1. Agathe Lemaitre

Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers (France)

“From Conservation to Survivance, Itinerary of a Liminal Disappearance in the Paiwan Relationship to Wildlife”

Grant amount : €42,000

Grant period : 2 years


2. Laetitia Chhiv

Centre de Recherche sur les Civilisations de l’Asie Orientale (France)

“The Transmission of Confucius’ Words, from the Warring States to the Han Period”

Grant amount : €42,000

Grant period : 2 years

G. Dissertation Fellowships for ROC Students Abroad

1. Chunhan Michelle Hsu

University of Oxford (UK)

“Gender and Empire in Turn-of-the-Century French Literature on China”

Grant amount : €16,800

Grant period : 1 year


2. Meng-hao Li

University of Zurich (Switzerland)

“Taiwan’s White Terror Perpetrators in Fiction and Film”

Grant amount : €16,800

Grant period : 1 year


3. Tzu-yi Hsu

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (The Netherlands)

“‘Trade of No Use to Us’?: Taxation and Non-VOC Commerce in the Dutch Taiwan, 1624-1662”

Grant amount : €16,800

Grant period : 1 year


4. Pang-yen Chang

University of Oxford (UK)

“Measuring Chinese Minds: Intelligence, Race, and Nationalism in Modern China”

Grant amount : €16,800

Grant period : 1 year


Recipients in Developing Regions                                  Unit: US$

(in order of date application received)

A. Graduate Student and Faculty Mobility Grants

1. Ivana Buljan

University of Zagreb (Croatia)

“Presenting a Paper ‘‘Attuning One’s Ears’ or Becoming ‘The Single Individual’? Confucius and Kierkegaard on the Concept of Self’ on the XXV World Congress in Philosophy ‘Philosophy across Boundaries’, from August 1 to August 8, Rome, 2024”

Grant amount : US$1,500

Grant period : 6 months


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