Grant Recipients, 2012-2013
Recipients in the Domestic Region
(in order of application received) | Unit: NT$ |
A. Cooperative Research Grants
1. Miaw-fen Lu
Institute of Modern History, Academia Sinica, with Shuichi Miura of Tohoku University (Japan), et al.
Revisiting Intellectual History during the Ming-Qing Transition Period"
Grant amount: NT$2,000,000
Grant period: 3 years
2. Yi-Yuan Chen
Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences, National Cheng Kung University, with Kenneth Dean of McGill University (Canada), et al.
"The Minnan Temple and Trade Network in Southeast Asia: A Comparative Study of Minnan Communities in Vietnam and the Straits Settlements"
Grant amount: NT$3,200,000
Grant period: 3 years
B. Database Grants
1. I-chun Fan
Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences, Academia Sinica, with Robert Bickers of University of Bristol (UK)
"Digitising China: Photographs from British and Taiwan Collections"
Grant amount: NT$3,200,000
Grant period: 2 years
C. Conference and Seminar Grants
1. Hsiao-chin Hsieh
Center for General Education, National Tsing Hua University, with Alka Acharya of Institute of Chinese Studies (India)
"Sino-Indian Relations in the First Half of the 20th Century"
Grant amount: NT$400,000
Grant period: 1 year
2. Giuliana Martini
Library and Information Center, Dharma Drum Buddhist College, with Bhikkhu Anālayo of Hamburg University (Germany)
"The Chinese Translation of the Dīrgha‐āgama (長阿含經, Taishō 1)"
Grant amount: NT$280,000
Grant period: 1 year
3. Kien Ket Lim
Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures, National Chiao Tung University, with Song Hwee Lim of University of Exeter (UK)
"Envisioning Chinese Cinemas in the 21st Century: A Taiwan Symposium"
Grant amount: NT$700,000
Grant period: 1 year
D. Publication Subsidies
1. Guantao Jin
Social Sciences Information Center, National Chengchi University, with Guo-wei Shen of Kansai University (Japan), et al.
"International Co-publishing Project of the Journal of the History of Ideas in East Asia"
Grant amount: NT$400,000
Grant period: 1 year
Recipients in the American Region
(in order of application received) | Unit: US$ |
A. Research Grants
1. Hui-Chin Hsu
University of Georgia
"The Role of Social Support in Postpartum Adjustment of Mothers of Preterm Infants in Taiwan"
Grant amount: US$25,000
Grant period: 1 year
2. Yuan-kang Wang
Western Michigan University
"Managing Hegemony: A Comparison of Qing China and the United States"
Grant amount: US$15,000
Grant period: 2 years
3. Amy Adamczyk
City University of New York
"Public Opinion about Homosexuality: A Comparative Analysis of the Factors that Shape Tolerance in Taiwan and Confucian and Non-Confucian Nations"
Grant amount: US$18,344
Grant period: 1 year
4. Ada Sinacore
McGill University
"The Implementation of Gender Equity Education and Bullying Policies in Taiwan: The Influence on the School Community"
Grant amount: US$19,400
Grant period: 1 year
5. Susan Whiting
University of Washington
"Explaining Diverse Property Rights Regimes in China's Rural Land"
Grant amount: US$34,960
Grant period: 2 years
B. Conference/Seminar/Workshop Grants
1. Mary M. Dusenbury
Spencer Museum of Art
"Color in Ancient and Medieval East Asia International Research Symposium"
Grant amount: US$18,542
Grant period: 1 year
2. Jueji Shi
University of the West
"The Chinese Buddhist Canon in the Age of Printing: An East Asian Perspective"
Grant amount: US$25,000
Grant period: 1 year
3. Weldon South Coblin
Li Fang-Kuei Society for Chinese Linguistics
"Li Fang-Kuei Society Young Scholars Symposium"
Grant amount: US$25,000
Grant period: 1 year
4. Jennifer Hsu
University of Alberta
"NGO Governance and Management in China"
Grant amount: US$7,656
Grant period: 1 year
5. Brantly Womack
University of Virginia
"Taiwan Inclusive: Trends, Opportunities, and Challenges"
Grant amount: US$25,000
Grant period: 1 year
6. Wai-yee Li
Harvard University
"Peripheral Visions in Chinese Literature"
Grant amount: US$25,000
Grant period: 1 year
7. Carlos Rojas
Duke University
"Remapping a Discipline: Modern Chinese Literary Studies"
Grant amount: US$25,000
Grant period: 1 year
C. Publication Subsidies
1. Susan Barnett
Cornell University Press
"The Specter of 'the People': Urban Poverty in Northeast China", by Mun Young Cho
Grant amount: US$4,800
Grant period: 1 year
2. Emily Andrew
University of British Columbia Press
"Remembering the Samsui Women: Migration and Social Memory in Singapore and China", by Kelvin E. Y. Low
Grant amount: US$5,000
Grant period: 1 year
3. Emily Andrew
University of British Columbia Press
"Environmental Change and Peasant Response in Rural China: The Jianghan Plain, 1736-1949", by Jiayan Zhang
Grant amount: US$5,000
Grant period: 1 year
4. Whitney Johnson
Columbia University Press
"Beyond Sinology: Alterity, Mediality, and the Sinograph", by Andrea Bachner
Grant amount: US$5,000
Grant period: 1 year
5. Kathryn Schell
Columbia University Press
"Unearthing the Changes: Recently Discovered Manuscripts of the Yi Jing (I Ching) and Related Texts", by Edward L. Shaughnessy
Grant amount: US$3,000
Grant period: 1 year
6. Emily Andrew
University of British Columbia Press
"The Pragmatic Dragon: Structural Imperatives and China's Boundary Settlements", by Eric Hyer
Grant amount: US$5,000
Grant period: 1 year
7. Susan Barnett
Cornell University Press
"Territorializing Tibet: Landscape Transformation and the Gift of Development", by Emily T. Yen
Grant amount: US$5,000
Grant period: 1 year
D. Scholar Grants
(a) Scholar Grants
1. Hur-li Lee
University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee
"Intellectual Activism of the Seven Epitomes"
Grant amount: US$27,120
Grant period: 1 year
2. Lillian Lan-ying Tseng
New York University
"The Agency of Steles: Antiquity and Visual Culture in Early Modern China"
Grant amount: US$30,000
Grant period: 1 year
3. Michelle Wang
Georgetown University
"Multiplicity and its Resonance in the Buddhist Visual Culture of Medieval China"
Grant amount: US$30,000
Grant period: 1 year
4. Jiang Wu
University of Arizona
"Leaving for the Rising Sun: Chinese Zen Master Yinyuan's (1592-1673) Journey to Japan and the Authenticity Crisis in Early Modern East Asia"
Grant amount: US$24,528
Grant period: 1 year
5. Christopher Nugent
Williams College
"It's All before Your Eyes: Organizing, Using, and Transmitting Literary Knowledge in Medieval China"
Grant amount: US$25,000
Grant period: 1 year
(b) Junior Scholar Grants
1. Benjamin Brose
University of Michigan
"Xuanzang's Skull: Buddhism, Nationalism, and Diplomacy in Modern Asia"
Grant amount: US$8,810
Grant period: 1 year
2. Chan Lu
Loyola Marymount University
"Development of Biliteracy Skills in Chinese and English"
Grant amount: US$14,937
Grant period: 1 year
3. Amanda Michaud
Indiana University, Bloomington
"Measuring the Effect of Housing Policy on Macroeconomic Outcomes in China"
Grant amount: US$13,000
Grant period: 1 year
4. Delin Lai
University of Louisville
"Ritual Reconstruction and Ritual Architecture and Art in Republican China"
Grant amount: US$30,000
Grant period: 1 year
5. Kah Wee Lee
Yale University
"Las Vegas in Asia: Casinos, Modernity and the Taming of Vice"
Grant amount: US$19,520
Grant period: 1 year
6. Edith Aldridge
University of Washington
"Fieldwork on Formosan Languages"
Grant amount: US$29,979
Grant period: 1 year
7. Elaine Liu
University of Houston
"Confucianism and Preferences: Evidence from Lab Experiments"
Grant amount: US$13,354
Grant period: 1 year
8. Xiaobo Su
University of Oregon
"Enclaves of Development: Agribusiness and China's Opium Substitution Program in Laos and Myanmar"
Grant amount: US$12,550
Grant period: 1 year
E. Doctoral Fellowships
1. Ying Diao
University of Maryland, College Park
"Gospel Singing in the Valley: Investigation into Hymnody and Choral Singing of the Lisu on the China-Burma Border"
Grant amount: US$15,000
Grant period: 1 year
2. Tristan Brown
Columbia University
"The Western Muslim Settlement Corridor in the Making of Modern China, 1684-1928"
Grant amount: US$15,000
Grant period: 1 year
3. Stephanie Lin
Columbia University
"Dying to Be Reborn: The Buddhist Deathbed and Pure Land Faith in Republican China, 1912-1949"
Grant amount: US$15,000
Grant period: 1 year
4. Xiao Wu
Northwestern University
"Uses of the Chinese Internet: Everyday Media Practices and Political Subject-formation among China's Early Web Surfers"
Grant amount: US$15,000
Grant period: 1 year
5. Kaijun Chen
Columbia University
"Handicraft and Statecraft: Investigation of the Culture of Bondservants through the Imperial Porcelain Factory in High Qing Empire, 1680-1756"
Grant amount: US$15,000
Grant period: 1 year
6. Xiaofeng Kang
University of Hawaii, Manoa
"Political Ecology of Rubber Plantations among Akha People in Xishuangbanna, China"
Grant amount: US$15,000
Grant period: 1 year
7. Tadashi Ishikawa
University of Chicago
"Colonial Law and Entangled Households: 'Trafficking,' Adultery, Domestic Violence, and Division of Property in Colonial Taiwan, 1919-1945"
Grant amount: US$15,000
Grant period: 1 year
8. Wenjie Liao
University of Minnesota
"Remembering the Faces of Law: Legal Consciousness and Collective Memories in Transitional China"
Grant amount: US$15,000
Grant period: 1 year
9. Martin Tsang
Florida International University
"Con la Mocha al Cuello: The Emergence and Negotiation of Afro-Chinese Religion in Cuba"
Grant amount: US$15,000
Grant period: 1 year
10. Christopher Byrne
McGill University
"Poetics of Silence: Hongzhi Zhengjue 宏智正覺 (1091-1157) and the Practice of Poetry in Song Dynasty Chan Yulu 語錄 (Recorded Sayings)"
Grant amount: US$15,000
Grant period: 1 year
11. Haogen Yao
Columbia University
"The Determinants of Post-compulsory Education Decisions in Rural China: With an Analysis of a Grassroots NGO Intervention"
Grant amount: US$15,000
Grant period: 1 year
12. Xian Huang
Columbia University
"Political Economy of Health: Risk and Income Redistribution in China's Health Insurance"
Grant amount: US$15,000
Grant period: 1 year
13. Yuting Li
University of Washington
"Political Determinants of Social Housing Assistance"
Grant amount: US$15,000
Grant period: 1 year
14. Geng Tian
University of Chicago
"Reining Endemic Violence: Militarization in Northwestern China, 1800-1873"
Grant amount: US$15,000
Grant period: 1 year
15. Shuang Wen
Georgetown University
"Mediated Imaginations: Chinese-Arab Cross-cultural Awareness at the Turn of the 20th Century"
Grant amount: US$15,000
Grant period: 1 year
16. Natalie Koehle
Harvard University
"A Conceptual History of the Development of the Concept of Phlegm in Chinese Medicine from the Han to the Qing Periods"
Grant amount: US$15,000
Grant period: 1 year
17. Yue Hou
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
"Participatory Autocracy? Private Entrepreneurs and Political Activism in China"
Grant amount: US$15,000
Grant period: 1 year
18. Yongshin Kim
University of Hawaii, Manoa
"The Paths of the Chinese Automobile Industry Development in the Post-WTO Era: A Comparative Case Study of Beijing-Hyundai, Chery and Geely"
Grant amount: US$15,000
Grant period: 1 year
19. Lyle Fearnley
University of California, Berkeley
"After the Livestock Revolution: Avian Influenza, Food Safety, and the Ethics of Veterinary Medicine at Poyang Lake, Jiangxi, China"
Grant amount: US$15,000
Grant period: 1 year
20. Meng Li
University of Iowa
"Creating Continuity in Social Transformation: An Ethnographic Study of Chinese Migrant Workers' Spring Festival Family Reunions"
Grant amount: US$15,000
Grant period: 1 year
21. Margarita Delgado
University of Pittsburgh
"Understanding the Funerary Buddha: Material Culture and Religious Change in Early Chinese Buddhism"
Grant amount: US$15,000
Grant period: 1 year
22. Yi Claire Yang
University of California, Berkeley
"Mortuary Culture and the Transformation of Elite Society in Tang China, 618-907"
Grant amount: US$15,000
Grant period: 1 year
23. Zhong Chen
Cornell University
"Animacy in Sentence Processing across Languages: An Information-Theoretic Prospective"
Grant amount: US$15,000
Grant period: 1 year
24. Yingyao Wang
Yale University
"Expertise, Politics and Social Learning: A Sociological Study of Chinese Policy Elites in the Reform Era, 1978-2012"
Grant amount: US$15,000
Grant period: 1 year
25. Yu Zhang
Stanford University
"To the Soil: The Cultural Imaginary of Chinese Rural Modernity, 1915-1965"
Grant amount: US$15,000
Grant period: 1 year
26. Jing Li
State University of New York, Albany
"State and Economists: The Rise of a Profession in Contemporary China"
Grant amount: US$15,000
Grant period: 1 year
27. Ke Ren
Johns Hopkins University
"Fin-de-siècle Diplomat: Chen Jitong (1852-1907) and Cosmopolitan Possibilities in the Late Qing World"
Grant amount: US$15,000
Grant period: 1 year
28. Jiayin Zhang
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
"Smart Money in Dumb Money: The Gap between Private and Public Beliefs and the Housing Market in China"
Grant amount: US$15,000
Grant period: 1 year
29. Christine Ho
Stanford University
"Drawing from Life: Sketching, Landscape, and the Formation of Socialist Realist Guohua"
Grant amount: US$15,000
Grant period: 1 year
30. Adam Tyner
University of California, San Diego
"Voluntary Marginalization in Urban China: The Effects of Rural Policies on Migrants' Decision-making and Identities"
Grant amount: US$15,000
Grant period: 1 year
F. Postdoctoral Fellowships and Ph.D. dissertations administered by the Canadian Asian Studies Association
1. Isabelle Cote
University of Toronto
"Unsettling Migrants? The Impact of Internal Migration on Ethnic Conflicts in China and Indonesia"
Grant amount: US$12,204
Grant period: 1 year
2. Pascale Massot
University of British Columbia
"China's Liberalizing Impact on Global Commodity Markets: The Cases of Uranium, Potash and Iron Ore"
Grant amount: US$12,204
Grant period: 1 year
3. Weiting Guo
University of British Columbia
"The Speed of Justice: Summary Execution and the Politics of Punishment in the Making of Modern Chinese Criminal Justice, 1830-1960"
Grant amount: US$12,204
Grant period: 1 year
G. Dissertation Fellowships for ROC Students Abroad
1. Chun-yu Lu
Washington University in St. Louis
"Make Love and War: Chinese Popular Romance in 'Greater East Asia', 1937-1945"
Grant amount: US$15,000
Grant period: 1 year
2. Chien-ting Lin
University of California, San Diego
"Fugitive Subjects of 'Mi-Yi': Politics of Life and Labor in Taiwan's Medical Modernity"
Grant amount: US$15,000
Grant period: 1 year
3. Hsuan-li Wang
Columbia University
"Displacement, Border Crossing and Indigenization: The Formation and Spread of Gushan Caodong Chan Buddhism in Late Ming and Early Qing"
Grant amount: US$15,000
Grant period: 1 year
4. Kuan-yen Liu
University of California, Santa Barbara
"The Cultural Translation of Darwinism in Late-Qing China: An Intersection between Biology and Chinese Philosophy"
Grant amount: US$15,000
Grant period: 1 year
5. Haowen Jiang
Rice University
"A Functional-Typological Study of Nominalization in Formosan Languages"
Grant amount: US$15,000
Grant period: 1 year
6. Chi-ming Louis Liu
Harvard University
"Null Operators and Empty Categories in Mandarin Chinese"
Grant amount: US$15,000
Grant period: 1 year
7. Hsin-yi Yeh
Rutgers University
"National Identities, Collective Memories, and Mnemonic Engineerings: The Analysis of the Production of a Chinese Nationality (1949-1987)"
Grant amount: US$15,000
Grant period: 1 year
8. Da-wei Hsu
University of Virginia
"Post-disaster Meaning-making and the 2008 Sichuan Earthquake"
Grant amount: US$15,000
Grant period: 1 year
9. Yun Tai
Emory University
"You Can't Always Get What You Want: Gatekeeping and Social Capital in the Live Music Scenes of Atlanta and Taipei"
Grant amount: US$15,000
Grant period: 1 year
10. Yi-tsui Tseng
University of Denver
"Decarbonizing the Dragon? Discourse, Power and Development in China's Global Politics of Climate Change, 1992-2012"
Grant amount: US$15,000
Grant period: 1 year
11. Yi-yi Chen
Washington University in St. Louis
"Political Rallies and Voting: Theory, Experimental Study, and Empirical Analysis on Taiwan"
Grant amount: US$15,000
Grant period: 1 year
12. Huan-kai Tseng
George Washington University
"Democratization and Central Bank Independence: A Comparative Analysis of Taiwan and Mexico"
Grant amount: US$15,000
Grant period: 1 year
13. Yi-lin Lou
Indiana University, Bloomington
"Establishing a Lay Judge System under the Taiwanese Criminal Justice System and Exploring its Interactions with Capital Trial Proceedings"
Grant amount: US$15,000
Grant period: 1 year
14. Ching-fu Lin
Harvard University
"Exploring the Optimal Institutional Design for Global Food Safety Governance: Lessons from the Regulatory Complex in China"
Grant amount: US$15,000
Grant period: 1 year
15. Chia-ling Yang
University of California, Berkeley
"Radicalization of a Profession? The Law and Policy on International Medical Graduates from the Perspectives of Political Opportunities and Rights Mobilization among Physicians in Taiwan and the U.S."
Grant amount: US$15,000
Grant period: 1 year
16. Yi-jian Chen
University of Michigan
"Three Essays on the Labor Market Transitions in Taiwan"
Grant amount: US$15,000
Grant period: 1 year
17. I-hsuan Chiu
State University of New York, Buffalo
"The Relationship between Leader-Member Exchange and Organizational Citizenship: Exploring the Mediating Effect of Supervisory Communication in Taiwan and the United States"
Grant amount: US$15,000
Grant period: 1 year
●Wait List
(a) Humanities
1. I-ling (Gloria) Chien (#1 in the Humanities Category)
University of Virginia
"The Role of Tokmé Zangpo's Mind-training Teaching in Taiwanese Tibetan Buddhism"
2. Hsiao-chun Wu (#2 in the Humanities Category)
University of California, Los Angeles
"Ascending the Great Hall of Elegance: Knowledge Production about Peking Opera in Early 20th Century China"
(b) Social Sciences
1. Chia-yin Wei (#3 in the Social Sciences Category)
University of South Carolina, Columbia
"The Media Effect on Economic Voting: A Cross-national Analysis"
Recipients in the European Region
(in order of application received) | Unit: Euro |
A. Lecture Series Grants
1. Melinda Pap
Eötvös Loránd University (Hungary)
"New Research Trends in the Study of the Chinese Past"
Grant amount: €22,000
Grant period: 1 year
B. Research Grants
1. Ming-Sung Kuo
University of Warwick (UK)
"The Rise and Fall of Juristocracy in Taiwan: Lessons from the Role of the Taiwan Constitutional Court in Managing the Jurisdictional Conflict between the Political Departments, 1948-2012"
Grant amount: €26,000
Grant period: 2 years
2. Marc Andre Matten
University of Erlangen-Nuremberg (Germany)
"Science, Modernity and Political Behavior in Contemporary China (1949-1978)"
Grant amount: €66,000
Grant period: 2 years
3. María Cruz Berrocal
Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (Spain)
"Taiwan in the 17th Century: Archaeology of Early Colonialism and the Beginnings of Globalization"
Grant amount: €85,000
Grant period: 3 years
4. Weishan Huang
Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity (Germany)
"Deterritorialization and Localization: Taiwanese Capital-Linked Migrants and Transnational Religious Networks in Shanghai"
Grant amount: €24,000
Grant period: 2 years
5. Wlodzimierz Cieciura
University of Warsaw (Poland)
"Chinese Muslims and Islam on Two Sides of the Strait. A Comparative History of Modern Religious, Cultural and Ethnic Identity of Sinophone Muslims in Mainland China and on Taiwan"
Grant amount: €27,000
Grant period: 3 years
C. Conference and Seminar Grants
1. Bernhard Fuehrer
SOAS, University of London (UK)
"Sinologists as Translators in the 17-19th Centuries: Archives and Context"
Grant amount: €12,000
Grant period: 1 year
2. Albert Galvany
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (Spain)
"War of Ideas, Ideas of War: The Role of Military Thought in Early China"
Grant amount: €9,000
Grant period: 1 year
3. Ruru Li
University of Leeds (UK)
"Performing China on the Global Stage: People, Society and Culture"
Grant amount: €15,000
Grant period: 1 year
4. Lisa Indraccolo
University of Zurich (Switzerland)
"Masters of Disguise? Conceptions and Misconceptions of 'Rhetoric' in Chinese Antiquity"
Grant amount: €12,000
Grant period: 1 year
5. Ann Heirman
Ghent University (Belgium)
"Network and Identity: Exchange Relations between China and the World"
Grant amount: €7,000
Grant period: 1 year
6. Evelyn Goh
Royal Holloway, University of London (UK)
"Rising China's Influence in Developing Asia"
Grant amount: €15,000
Grant period: 1 year
7. Axel Schneider
Göttingen University (Germany)
"Questioning Modernity: Critical Engagement with Western Knowledge in Late Imperial and Republican China"
Grant amount: €13,000
Grant period: 1 year
8. Françoise Bottéro
École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (France)
"EACL-8 The 8th Conference of the European Association of Chinese Linguistics"
Grant amount: €2,000
Grant period: 1 year
9. Rudolf Wagner
Heidelberg University (Germany)
"Leisure and Social Change: The Dynamics of the Transcultural Flow of Concepts, Institutions, and Practices of Leisure across Asia"
Grant amount: €15,000
Grant period: 1 year
10. Richard Little
University of Bristol (UK)
"The Chinese School of International Relations and its Critics"
Grant amount: €20,000
Grant period: 1 year
D. Publication Subsidies
1. José Luis Ponce
Edicions Bellaterra (Spain)
"El licenciado número uno Zhang Xie: La primera obra de teatro chino del siglo XV (《張協狀元》)", translated and edited by Regina Llamas
Grant amount: €7,000
Grant period: 1 year
E. Special Project Grants
1. Ming-Yeh T. Rawnsley
European Association of Taiwan Studies (Germany)
"European Association of Taiwan Studies -- Application for Continued Funding from the Chiang Ching-Kuo Foundation for International Scholarly Exchange (2014–2016)"
Grant amount: €35,700
Grant period: 3 years
F. Fellowships for Ph.D. Dissertations
1. Sheng-Chi Shu
University of Cambridge (UK)
"Tango with a Giant: Reuters and Shifting Power Relationships in Nationalist China's Field of News Communications, 1931-1945"
Grant amount: €12,000
Grant period: 1 year
2. Yiming Shen
SOAS, University of London (UK)
"Chinese Islamic Text Studies in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries: A Case Study of Two Chinese Translations of Jami's Persian Sufi Proses"
Grant amount: €12,000
Grant period: 1 year
3. Yu Tao
University of Oxford (UK)
"Enemies of the State or Friends of the 'Harmonious Society'? Religious Groups and Collective Protests in Contemporary Rural China"
Grant amount: €12,000
Grant period: 1 year
4. Giulia Zoccatelli
SOAS, University of London (UK)
"Globalizing Empowerment: An Ethnography of AIDS and Civil Society in Contemporary Post-Socialist China"
Grant amount: €12,000
Grant period: 1 year
5. Alice Bianchi
Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales (France)
"Beggars and Street Characters in Ming (1368-1644) and Qing (1644-1911) Dynasties Painting"
Grant amount: €12,000
Grant period: 1 year
6. Valentina Punzi
L'Orientale University of Naples (Italy)
"The Three Brothers of Amye Drakar: Sacralized Landscape and Local Identities in Southeast Amdo"
Grant amount: €12,000
Grant period: 1 year
7. Philip Entwistle
University of Oxford (UK)
"The Dragon and the Lamb: Christianity, Nationalism and the State in China"
Grant amount: €12,000
Grant period: 1 year
8. Gideon Elazar
Haifa University (Israel)
"Reborn in the Chinese Borderland: Missionaries, Ethnicity and State Control in Globalized Yunnan: A Summary"
Grant amount: €12,000
Grant period: 1 year
9. Emmanuel Caron
École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (France)
"Alternative Forms of Housing in Beijing: Room and Bed Renting in Villages in the City, Underground Housing, Shared Apartments and Dilapidated Neighborhoods"
Grant amount: €12,000
Grant period: 1 year
10. Lik Hang (Lincoln) Tsui
University of Oxford (UK)
"The Social and Cultural Uses of Letters in Song China (960-1279): A Study in Classical Chinese Epistolary Culture"
Grant amount: €12,000
Grant period: 1 year
●Wait List
1. Pauline Sebillaud
École Pratique des Hautes Études (France)
"Settlement Spatial Organization in Central Plains China during the Period of Transition from Late Neolithic to Early Bronze Age (c. 2500-1050 B.C.)"
2. Regina Martinez Enjuto
LSE, University of London (UK)
"The Politics of Labor Rights Protection in Contemporary China: A Critical Analysis of How Labor Laws Frame Workers' Mobilization Strategies Hinged by Labor NGOs, Legal Aid and Public Interest Lawyers"
3. Gwendoline Debethune
École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (France)
"The Role of Microcredit in the Emancipation of Women in the People's Republic of China: A Socio-Economic Issue with a Political Dimension?"
G. Fellowships for Postdoctoral Research
1. Oded Abt
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (Israel)
"Muslim Memories and Chinese Identity: Descendants of Muslims in Southeast China and Taiwan"
Grant amount: €36,000
Grant period: 2 years
2. Michael Stanley-Baker
Leipzig University (Germany)
"Mapping the Religio-Medical Market in Early Medieval China"
Grant amount: €36,000
Grant period: 2 years
3. Elisa Cencetti
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (Germany)
"The Process of Power Legitimization: Local Powers and the Making of the State on the Tibetan Grasslands of Amdo-Qinghai (PRC)"
Grant amount: €36,000
Grant period: 2 years
H. Dissertation Fellowships for ROC Students Abroad
1. Hungju Hsu
University of Rouen (France)
"Towards the New Education? History and Context of the Development of Educational Reform in Taiwan"
Grant amount: €12,000
Grant period: 1 year
2. Yunju Chen
University of Oxford (UK)
"Heating Drugs in Imperial China (960-1279): Knowledge Production in the Material World"
Grant amount: €12,000
Grant period: 1 year
3. Fu-chen Chiang
École Pratique des Hautes Études (France)
"Models in Taoist Texts: Typology, Transmission and Usage -- In Studying of the Tradition Guangcheng yizhi"
Grant amount: €12,000
Grant period: 1 year
4. Amy Fang-yen Hsieh
University of Cambridge (UK)
"Comparison of Relative Clause Acquisition by Second Language Learners of Chinese and Second Language Learners of English"
Grant amount: €12,000
Grant period: 1 year
5. Chih-wen Lan
Universität Bamberg (Germany)
"The Interaction of Heritage Conservation -- Surmounting Nations and Cultures -- Clash, Communications and Cooperation between Taiwan and Germany"
Grant amount: €12,000
Grant period: 1 year
6. Mu-chun Wu
University of Oxford (UK)
"The Spatial Construct of Social Relations: Social Transformation in Early Kau-Shi, Taiwan"
Grant amount: €12,000
Grant period: 1 year
7. Wen-ching Ting
University of Sussex (UK)
"Struggling in Between: Shan (Tai) Survival Migrants on the Thai-Burma Border"
Grant amount: €12,000
Grant period: 1 year
8. Wu-long Jhuang
University of Sheffield (UK)
"Contemporary Indigenous Hunting, Wildlife Conservation and Indigenous Development: An Institutional Analysis of the Truku People in Eastern Taiwan"
Grant amount: €12,000
Grant period: 1 year
9. Ren-jie Lin
Institute of Education, University of London (UK)
"Transnational Knowledge Dissemination and Recontextualisation: The Development of British Foundations of Educational Disciplines in Taiwan since 1968"
Grant amount: €12,000
Grant period: 1 year
10. Chung-yang Yeh
University of Southampton (UK)
"Pension Development in East Asia -- A Political-Economic Explanation"
Grant amount: €12,000
Grant period: 1 year
11. Chi-chung Wang
University of Edinburgh (UK)
"Knowledge Acquisition, Taste and Practice in the Rock Field: The Case of 'Schooled Rock' in Taiwan"
Grant amount: €12,000
Grant period: 1 year
12. Yuchi Lin
University of Hertfordshire (UK)
"I-Other Relationship in Moving: Dance Movement Psychotherapy as a Treatment for Women with Depression in Taiwan"
Grant amount: €12,000
Grant period: 1 year
13. Pei-Chun Wen
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Belgium)
"A Shifting Landscape of the Water-Production Territory: Morphology of Production Landscapes and Settlements in the Chia-Nan Plain, Taiwan"
Grant amount: €12,000
Grant period: 1 year
14. Pin-Hsien Wu
University of Sussex (UK)
"The Formation of Environmental Movements in China and India -- Case Studies on Coal Mining"
Grant amount: €12,000
Grant period: 1 year
15. Chinchih Chen
LSE, University of London (UK)
"How Agglomeration Economies and Trade Costs Reshape Economic Integration: Evidence from Taiwan Firms' Foreign Direct Investment and Trade Patterns in East Asia"
Grant amount: €12,000
Grant period: 1 year
16. Yu-kei Tse
Goldsmiths, University of London (UK)
"The Consumption of Foreign TV via Online Sharing: The Case in Taiwan as an Example"
Grant amount: €12,000
Grant period: 1 year
●Wait List
(a) Humanities
1. De-jung Chen (#3 in the Humanities Category)
University of Amsterdam (The Netherlands)
"Mobilities in a Cosmopolitan World -- Couchsurfing Experiences in Taiwan and the Netherlands"
2. Shih-huang Hsu (#5 in the Humanities Category)
Royal Holloway, University of London (UK)
"Chinese Kunqu in Contemporary Times and Self-Orientalism: Inheritance and Reinvention of Traditional Art in an Economic Age"
(b) Social Sciences
1. Yu-Shan Chang (#1 in the Social Sciences Category)
University College London, University of London (UK)
"The Mechanisms and Rationale for Integrated Publicly Funded Legal Services: A Comparative Study of England and Wales, Australia and Taiwan"
2. Yi-Chang Lee (#2 in the Social Sciences Category)
Lancaster University (UK)
"Innovative Product Design Decision-making in SMEs"
3. Mu-yi Chou (#4 in the Social Sciences Category)
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (Germany)
"Democratization or Authoritarian Consolidation after Economic Liberalization? Comparison of the Variation of State-Society Relationships between Taiwan and China from the Aspect of Public Governance"
Recipients in the East European Region
(in order of application received) | Unit: Euro |
A. Library Acquisitions
1. Anett Kozjek-Gulyás
Pázmány Péter Catholic University (Hungary)
"Library Acquisition of PPCU"
Grant amount: €8,800
Grant period: 3 years
B. Research Grants
1. Frank Kraushaar
University of Latvia (Latvia)
"Restoring Ambiguity 歸隱. Critical Essays on a Poetic Paradigm in Selected Works of Li He (790-816), Lin Bu (967-1028) and Liu Yong (987-1053)"
Grant amount: €19,900
Grant period: 2 years
2. Ákos Bertalan Apatóczky
Eötvös Loránd University (Hungary)
"The Reconstruction of a 17th Century Sino-Mongol Glossary"
Grant amount: €12,000
Grant period: 1 year
Recipients in the Asia-Pacific Region
(in order of application received) | Unit: US$ |
A. Research Grants
1. Frederick Teiwes
University of Sydney (Australia)
"Chinese Communist Elite Politics under Hua Guofeng and Deng Xiaoping"
Grant amount: US$39,000
Grant period: 3 years
2. Bit-Chee Kwok
City University of Hong Kong (Hong Kong)
"A Study on Subgrouping of Southern Min"
Grant amount: US$38,000
Grant period: 2 years
3. Xiaoping Fang
University of Technology, Sydney (Australia)
"Between Hierarchy and Equality: Women Doctors, Modern Medicine, and Socialist Politics in China"
Grant amount: US$10,000
Grant period: 1 year
4. Emilie Yueh-yu Yeh
Hong Kong Baptist University (Hong Kong)
"Wenyi文藝 and Film Marketing in Republican China"
Grant amount: US$35,000
Grant period: 3 years
5. Shu-Sen Chang
University of Hong Kong (Hong Kong)
"One Hundred Years of Suicide in Taiwan"
Grant amount: US$52,000
Grant period: 2 years
6. Elena Gregoria Chin Fern Chai
Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (Malaysia)
"Perceptions and Acceptance of Tua Pek Kong as an Official Religion: A Survey in Sarawak, Malaysia"
Grant amount: US$8,000
Grant period: 2 years
7. Glenn Summerhayes
University of Otago (New Zealand)
"In Search of Austronesian Movements -- Archaeology on the North New Guinea Coast"
Grant amount: US$42,000
Grant period: 2 years
8. Feng Chen
Hong Kong Baptist University (Hong Kong)
"Forming Labor NGOs: Leadership and Strategy"
Grant amount: US$55,000
Grant period: 3 years
9. Wen-Chi Liao
National University of Singapore (Singapore)
"The Impact of Land Rights on Urban Redevelopment"
Grant amount: US$34,000
Grant period: 2 years
B. Conference and Seminar Grants
1. Richard Walker
City University of Hong Kong (Hong Kong)
"Improving Chinese Public Services: Theory and Empirical Evidence"
Grant amount: US$17,000
Grant period: 1 year
2. Yin-wah Chu
Hong Kong Baptist University (Hong Kong)
"The Asian Developmental State: Reexaminations and New Departures"
Grant amount: US$20,000
Grant period: 1 year
3. King-fai Tam
Hong Kong Polytechnic University (Hong Kong)
"Political Humor in Modern China: Interdisciplinary Perspectives"
Grant amount: US$20,000
Grant period: 1 year
C. Dissertation Fellowships for ROC Students Abroad
1. Pei-hua Wu
University of Otago (New Zealand)
"Lapita to Post-Lapita Transition in the Bismarck Archipelago"
Grant amount: US$15,000
Grant period: 1 year
●Wait List
(a) Humanities
1. Chiachiu Tsai (#4 in the Humanities Category)
University of Tsukuba (Japan)
"Japanese Artists' Travel and Art (1910s-30s): The Image of East Asia from Multiple Areas and Cultures"