Grant Recipients, 2014-2015
Recipients in the Domestic Region
(in order of application received) | Unit: NT$ |
A. Database Grants
1. Nap-yin Lau
Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica, with Peter K. Bol of Harvard University (USA)
“New Research Directions and Technologies in the Study of Social Mobility in Song China”
Grant amount: NT$3,000,000
Grant period: 3 years
2. Yu-chung Lee
Institute of History, National Tsing Hua University, with Manel Ollé of Universitat Pompeu Fabra (Spain), et al.
“Southern European Historical Materials Concerning China in the 16th and 17th Centuries (1) Spanish Digital Database Construction Project”
Grant amount: NT$3,200,000
Grant period: 3 years
B. Cooperative Research Grants
1. Chiung-Chiu Huang
Graduate Institute of East Asian Studies, National Chengchi University, with Nguyen Huy Hoang of Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences (Vietnam)
“Changing Symmetric Relations in Southeast Asia: A Comparison among Vietnam’s Relations with Taiwan, Cambodia and Laos under the Context of China Rising”
Grant amount: NT$1,800,000
Grant period: 2 years
2. Scarlett Chiu
Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica, with David Killick of University of Arizona (USA), et al.
“Searching for Possible Austronesian Connections through the Study of Lapita Pottery Circulation Patterns in New Caledonia”
Grant amount: NT$2,800,000
Grant period: 2 years
C. Conference and Seminar Grants
1. Chih-yu Shih
Department of Political Science, National Taiwan University; with Hok Yin Chan of City University of Hong Kong (Hong Kong)
“Understanding China in the Perspectives of Hong Kong Intellectuals”
Grant amount: NT$444,212
Grant period: 6 months
2. Ming Lee
College of International Affairs, National Chengchi University; with Kun-Chin Lin of University of Cambridge (UK)
“Maritime Governance in 21st Century Asia: Perspectives from Taiwan on Maritime Laws and Regional Security”
Grant amount: NT$400,000
Grant period: 6 months
3. Katherine Hui-ling Chou
Department of English, National Central University, with Siyuan Liu of University of British Columbia (Canada), et al.
“The 13th International Junior Scholars Conference on Sinology -- Sinophone Onstage: New Voices and Discourses in Chinese Theater and Performance Studies”
Grant amount: NT$750,000
Grant period: 6 months
4. Ko-wu Huang
Institute of Modern History, Academia Sinica, with Hans van de Ven of University of Cambridge (UK)
“The Asian Situation in the End of the Sino-Japanese War”
Grant amount: NT$750,000
D. Publication Subsidies
1. Elizabeth Zeitoun
Institute of Linguistics, Academia Sinica; with Paul Sidwell of Australian National University (Australia)
“New Advances in Formosan Linguistics”
Grant amount: NT$400,000
Grant period: 1 year
Recipients in the American Region
(in order of application received) | Unit: US$ |
A. Research Grants
1. Xun Cao
Pennsylvania State University
“China Addresses Climate Change: A Political and Economic Analysis”
Grant amount: US$27,548
Grant period: 1 year
2. Chu-sheng Tai
Texas Southern University
“On the Risk Exposure and the Cost of Capital of International Banking Industry: Evidence from 2008 Subprime Crisis”
Grant amount: US$11,000
Grant period: 1 year
3. Zai Liang
State University of New York, Albany
“The Adaptation Process of African Merchants in Guangzhou: The Roles of Church/Mosque and Foreigner Service Centers”
Grant amount: US$30,000
Grant period: 2 years
4. Sue-mei Wu
Carnegie Mellon University
“Weathering the Storm: Hand Puppet Theater (布袋戲) and Taiwanese Opera (歌仔戲) amid Social Change in Taiwan”
Grant amount: US$20,700
Grant period: 2 years
5. Lijun Song
Vanderbilt University
“Institutional Contingency of Network Embeddedness of Class Identification: Network Members’ Occupational Status and Subjective Social Class in Three Societies”
Grant amount: US$30,000
Grant period: 2 years
6. Barbara Voss
Stanford University
“Reconstructing the Daily Lives of Chinese Railroad Workers”
Grant amount: US$30,000
Grant period: 2 years
7. Timothy Rich
Western Kentucky University
“Strategic Voting in Taiwan: A Multi-method Approach”
Grant amount: US$10,000
Grant period: 1 year
8. Bo Zhang
Ball State University
“Chinese Influences on the Designed Landscapes in U.S., 1860-1930”
Grant amount: US$16,950
Grant period: 1 year
9. Benjamin Read
University of California, Santa Cruz
“Democratic Deepening in the State’s Urban Roots: Generational Change among Taiwan’s Neighborhood Leaders”
Grant amount: US$29,400
Grant period: 2 years
B. Conference/Seminar/Workshop Grants
1. Lowell Dittmer
University of California, Berkeley
“The Narrowing Taiwan Strait and its Political, Economic, Social and Strategic Implications”
Grant amount: US$25,000
Grant period: 6 months
2. Michael Szonyi
Harvard University
“Contributor’s Workshop for a Companion to Chinese History”
Grant amount: US$25,000
Grant period: 6 months
3. Xiaoqiao Ling
Arizona State University
“To Remember, Re-member, and Disremember: Instrumentality of Traditional Chinese Texts”
Grant amount: US$20,004
Grant period: 6 months
4. Feng-en Tu
North American Taiwan Studies Association
“Motions and the Motionless: (Dis/Re-)connecting Taiwan to the World”
Grant amount: US$25,000
Grant period: 6 months
5. Taisu Zhang
Duke University
“Workshop on Modern Chinese Legal History: An Introduction to New Archival Materials”
Grant amount: US$24,800
Grant period: 6 months
6. Morgan Pitelka
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
“Who Decides in China’s Rapid Urbanization? An Interdisciplinary Inquiry to the New Chinese City”
Grant amount: US$20,000
Grant period: 6 months
7. Vincent Wang
American Association for Chinese Studies
“Application for Renewal of a Grant by the Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation to the American Association for Chinese Studies”
Grant amount: US$18,000
Grant period: 6 months
8. Jason McGrath
University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
“New Angles on Chinese Film History”
Grant amount: US$24,862
Grant period: 6 months
C. Publication Subsidies
1. Jonathan Fiedler
Columbia University Press
“The Lyrical in Epic Time”, by David Der-wei Wang
Grant amount: US$5,000
Grant period: 1 year
2. Jonathan Fiedler
Columbia University Press
“Luxuriant Gems of the Spring and Autumn”, translated by Sarah Queen and John Major
Grant amount: US$5,000
Grant period: 1 year
3. Anh Ly
University of California, Berkeley
“Republican Lens: Image, Text, and Experience in the Early Chinese Women’s Commercial Press”, by Joan Judge
Grant amount: US$5,000
Grant period: 1 year
4. Beth Fuget
University of Washington Press
“Urbanization in Early and Medieval China: Gazetteers for the City of Suzhou”, by Olivia Milburn
Grant amount: US$5,000
Grant period: 1 year
5. Robert Graham
Harvard University
“Young China: National Rejuvenation and the Bildungsroman, 1900-1959”, by Mingwei Song
Grant amount: US$5,000
Grant period: 1 year
6. Robert Graham
Harvard University
“Runaway Wives, Urban Crimes, and Survival Tactics in Wartime Beijing, 1937-1949”, by Zhao Ma
Grant amount: US$5,000
Grant period: 1 year
7. Robert Graham
Harvard University
“Radical Inequalities: China’s Revolutionary Welfare State in Comparative Perspective”, by Nara Dillon
Grant amount: US$5,000
Grant period: 1 year
8. Beth Fuget
University of Washington Press
“Sima Qian and the Letter to Ren An”, by Stephen Durrant, Hans van Ess, Wai-yee Li, and Michael Nylan
Grant amount: US$5,000
Grant period: 1 year
9. Beth Fuget
University of Washington Press
“From Archaism to Antiquarianism: Antiquity in Song Culture”, by Yun-chiahn Sena
Grant amount: US$5,000
Grant period: 1 year
D. Scholar Grants
(a) Scholar Grants
1. Shaowen Bardzell
Indiana University, Bloomington
“Civic Making: Promoting IT Innovation, Cultural Industry, and Democratic Governance in Taiwan”
Grant amount: US$30,000
Grant period: 1 year
2. Jin Feng
Grinnell College
“Food Nostalgia in the Lower Yangzi Delta”
Grant amount: US$30,000
Grant period: 1 year
3. Zev Joseph Handel
University of Washington
“Chinese Characters and the Origin of Writing in Japan, Korea, and Vietnam: A Linguistic-comparative Study”
Grant amount: US$24,568
Grant period: 1 year
4. Eugenio Menegon
Boston University
“Amicitia Palatina: Court Networks and the Europeans in Imperial Beijing”
Grant amount: US$24,000
Grant period: 1 year
5. Andrew F. Jones
University of California, Berkeley
“Circuit Listening: Chinese Popular Music in the Transistor Era”
Grant amount: US$25,000
Grant period: 1 year
6. Aaron Stalnaker
Indiana University, Bloomington
“Mastery, Dependence, and the Ethics of Authority”
Grant amount: US$30,000
Grant period: 1 year
7. Angelina Chin
Pomona College
“Out of Bounds: Diasporic Consciousness of Chinese in Hong Kong after 1949”
Grant amount: US$30,000
Grant period: 1 year
8. Mark Meulenbeld
University of Wisconsin, Madison
“How Transcendence Structures Self: Ritual Ecology vs. Modernity in the Local Religion of Taiwan and China”
Grant amount: US$20,000
Grant period: 1 year
9. Shuang Shen
Pennsylvania State University
“From Hong Kong to the World: Cold War Literary Transnationalism in the Asia Pacific”
Grant amount: US$17,000
Grant period: 1 year
10. Wei Zhao
University of North Carolina, Charlotte
“Institutional Transformations and Shifting Patterns of Social Inequality in Urban China”
Grant amount: US$25,631
Grant period: 1 year
11. Daniel Lynch
University of Southern California
“Tracing the Origins and Outlining the Implications of Taiwan’s Core Security Referent”
Grant amount: US$25,000
Grant period: 1 year
(b) Junior Scholar Grants
1. Xiaojun Li
University of British Columbia (Canada)
“Access, Institutions and Policy Influence: The Political Economy of China’s Accession to the World Trade Organization”
Grant amount: US$16,000
Grant period: 1 year
2. Pu Wang
Brandeis University
“Marx Enters the Temple of Confucius: Literary Representations of National Antiquity in Revolutionary China”
Grant amount: US$15,500
Grant period: 1 year
3. Vikesh Amin
Central Michigan University
“The Causal Effect of Education on Fertility: Evidence from Taiwanese Population Data”
Grant amount: US$11,618
Grant period: 1 year
4. Hsiang-hua Melanie Chang
Oakland University
“Demonstrative and Definite Noun Phrases in Child Mandarin and English”
Grant amount: US$17,500
Grant period: 1 year
5. Kristen Looney
Georgetown University
“The Politics of Rural Development in East Asia”
Grant amount: US$20,000
Grant period: 1 year
6. Xiaobo Lu
University of Texas, Austin
“Fiscal Capacity and Political Development: China and Beyond”
Grant amount: US$16,000
Grant period: 1 year
7. Tzu-jung Lin
Ohio State University
“Buffering Against Peer Rejection through Collaborative Social Reasoning: A Study with Early Adolescents in Taiwan”
Grant amount: US$29,998
Grant period: 1 year
8. Ling-yu Hung
Indiana University, Bloomington
“Making the Majiayao Culture Complex: Migration, Diffusion, and Trade in Late Neolithic Northwest China and Beyond”
Grant amount: US$30,000
Grant period: 1 year
E. Special Project Grants
1. David Der-wei Wang
Harvard University
“The Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation Inter-University Center for Sinological Studies, USA”
Grant amount: US$420,000
Grant period: 3 years
2. Michael Paschal
Association for Asian Studies
“CCKF-CIAC Small Grants Program and CCKF Graduate Student Paper Awards”
Grant amount: US$129,000
Grant period: 3 years
3. Srinivas Aravamudan
Duke University
“Consortium of Humanities Centers and Institutes -- Annual Summer Institute (2016-2018): Chinese Studies and Global Humanities”
Grant amount: US$105,000
Grant period: 3 years
F. Doctoral Fellowships
1. Yang Zhang
University of Chicago
“Rebellion Ecology and Insurgent Formation: Qing China 1850-1873”
Grant amount: US$18,000
Grant period: 1 year
2. Kevin Buckelew
Columbia University
“Mountains, Forests, and Pastures: Buddhist Reclusion in China, 618-1368”
Grant amount: US$18,000
Grant period: 1 year
3. Yangyang Su
Princeton University
“A History of Muskets in Qing China, 1680-1860”
Grant amount: US$18,000
Grant period: 1 year
4. Cheng-pang Lee
University of Chicago
“Altruism in Action: The Rise of the Tzu-chi Movement and the Invention of Direct Social Service”
Grant amount: US$18,000
Grant period: 1 year
5. Jae Yeol Lee
McGill University (Canada)
“Liu Xiang and the Establishment of Textual Identity in the Late Western Han Period”
Grant amount: US$18,000
Grant period: 1 year
6. Ling Zhang
University of Chicago
“Sound Images, Acoustic Culture and Transmediality in 1920s-1940s Chinese Cinema”
Grant amount: US$18,000
Grant period: 1 year
7. Justina Hwang
Brown University
“Cold War Courtships: Authoritarian Anti-communism, Developmental Diplomacy, and Chinese Communities in Latin America and the Republic of China, 1960-1975”
Grant amount: US$18,000
Grant period: 1 year
8. Tin Yuet Ting
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
“Digital Media Activism for Democracy Movement in Hong Kong”
Grant amount: US$18,000
Grant period: 1 year
9. Dasa Mortensen
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
“Historical Amnesia in Shangri-la: The Contested Legacy of Tibetan Participation in the Chinese Cultural Revolution”
Grant amount: US$18,000
Grant period: 1 year
10. Meng Ren
University of Pittsburgh
“The Heroine Mulan on Chinese Operatic Stage during the Korean War: Chang Xiangyu and Henan Opera ‘Hua Mulan’”
Grant amount: US$18,000
Grant period: 1 year
11. Jonathan Henshaw
University of British Columbia (Canada)
“Serving the Occupation State: Republican Chinese Elites and the Challenge of Invasion, 1937-1945”
Grant amount: US$18,000
Grant period: 1 year
12. Sharon Sanderovitch
University of California, Berkeley
“Constructions of the Emperor’s Body: Concealment, Display, and Mobility in the Early Eastern Han”
Grant amount: US$18,000
Grant period: 1 year
13.Qiaoyun Zhang
Tulane University
“Reconstruction in the Name of Qiang Culture: Complex Dynamics of the Earthquake Recovery of a Chinese Ethnic Minority in Southwest China”
Grant amount: US$18,000
Grant period: 1 year
14. Jessica Chen
Stanford University
“Muhammad’s Legacy in China: Islamic Narrative and Self Understanding”
Grant amount: US$18,000
Grant period: 1 year
15. Yao Wu
Stanford University
“The Invention of Tradition and Modernity: Media Contestation in the Hangzhou Art School in 20th Century China”
Grant amount: US$18,000
Grant period: 1 year
16. Franziska Barbara Keller
New York University
“Networks of Power: A Social Network Analysis of the Central Committee of the People’s Republic of China”
Grant amount: US$18,000
Grant period: 1 year
17. Zhiying Ma
University of Chicago
“Insanity, Intimacy and Institution: Governance and Care under the Mental Health Legal Reform in Contemporary China”
Grant amount: US$18,000
Grant period: 1 year
18. Xi Chen
University of Toronto (Canada)
“The Question of the Animal in 20th Century Chinese Cultures”
Grant amount: US$18,000
Grant period: 1 year
19. Hsinyi Tiffany Lee
Stanford University
“Shooting for the Nation: Pictorial Photography and Nationalism in China, 1919-1937”
Grant amount: US$18,000
Grant period: 1 year
20. Meng Xue
George Mason University
“Chinese Culture and Modern Economic Development”
Grant amount: US$18,000
Grant period: 1 year
21. Shuxuan Zhou
University of Washington
“Gendered Labor, Narrative and Resistance: Forestry Workers in Chinese Enterprise Restructuring, 1950s-2010s”
Grant amount: US$18,000
Grant period: 1 year
22. James Lin
University of California, Berkeley
“Sowing Seeds and Knowledge: Development Discourses in the US, China, Taiwan, and the World, 1920-1975”
Grant amount: US$18,000
Grant period: 1 year
G. Dissertation Fellowships for ROC Students Abroad
1. Hwa-Yen Huang
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, Camden
“Crisis Events, In-Betweenness, and Epistemic Transformation: A Phenomenological Study of Autobiographical Accounts of the Chinese Cultural Revolution”
Grant amount: US$18,000
Grant period: 1 year
2. Hsin-Yi Lin
Columbia University
“Between the Suffering and the Sacred: Buddhist Discourses, Practices, and Imagery of Reproduction in Medieval China”
Grant amount: US$18,000
Grant period: 1 year
3. I-In Chiang
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
“Imagined Nation and Imagined Womanhood in Shaw Brothers’ Musicals”
Grant amount: US$18,000
Grant period: 1 year
4. I-Fan Wu
Cornell University
“Doing Qigong in Malaysia: Religious Healing and the Production of Chinese Identities”
Grant amount: US$18,000
Grant period: 1 year
5. Hsiu-Ping Lee
University of California, Los Angeles
“From Erlitou to Erligang: Settlement Patterns and Social Structures in the Central Plains of Ancient China”
Grant amount: US$18,000
Grant period: 1 year
6. Ellen Hsieh
University of California, Los Angeles
“The Power Relationships between the Spanish, the Chinese and the Indigenous People in Manila Area during the Early Spanish Colonial Period: A Historical Archaeology Viewpoint”
Grant amount: US$18,000
Grant period: 1 year
7. Szu Ying Ho
City University of New York
“Flexicurity and Its Discontents: The Effects of Flexicurity on Gender Equality”
Grant amount: US$18,000
Grant period: 1 year
8. Yao-Tai Li
University of California, San Diego
“The Boundary of ‘Pan-Chineseness’: The Formation and Declination of Overseas Chinese/Taiwanese Ethnic Identity in Australia”
Grant amount: US$18,000
Grant period: 1 year
9. Li-Chung Hu
University of Pennsylvania
“The Social Determinants and Labor Market Consequences of Health Inequality in China”
Grant amount: US$18,000
Grant period: 1 year
10. Yu-Cheng Lin
University of Texas, El Paso
”Unraveling the Mystery of the Chinese-English Bilingual Mind: Eye Movements Reveal the Phonological Grain Sizes in Spoken Word Recognition”
Grant amount: US$18,000
Grant period: 1 year
11. Jaw-Nian Huang
University of California, Riverside
“Economic Dependence, Market Intervention, and the Development of Taiwan's Press Freedom: A Historical Institutional Analysis”
Grant amount: US$18,000
Grant period: 1 year
12. Chien-yu Liu
Georgetown University
“International Response to Natural Disasters: Implications in Human Rights and Humanitarian Assistance”
Grant amount: US$18,000
Grant period: 1 year
13. Wei-Fen Chen
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
“Fluid Social Class and Consumer Culture in Transitions -- Exploring the ‘New Poor’ in Taiwan and the U.S.”
Grant amount: US$18,000
Grant period: 1 year
14. Tien-wen Lin
University of Texas, Austin
“Consuming Koreanness: Taiwan-South Korea Relationship in the Twenty-First Century through Media and Cultural Studies”
Grant amount: US$18,000
Grant period: 1 year
15. Yu-Kuei Sun
University of Iowa
“Sporting Taiwan: Transnational Athletes in the Age of Neoliberal Imperialisms”
Grant amount: US$18,000
Grant period: 1 year
●Wait List
1. Pei-Jean Chen
Cornell University
“The Transnational-Translational Modernity: Vernacular Movements and Sexual Discourses in Colonial Taiwan and Korea”
2. Ruping Tso
Rice University
“The Effect of Chinese Characters on Speech Production and Perception in Taiwan Mandarin”
3. Yun-chung Ting
Washington State University
“A Social Network Analysis of the Nuclear Industry in East Asia”
Recipients in the European Region
(in order of application received) | Unit: Euro |
A. Database Grants
1. Yee Wah Foo
University of Lincoln (UK)
“Processing of Research Materials: The Legacy of Fu Bingchang (Foo Ping-sheung)”
Grant amount: €79,900
Grant period: 2 years
B. Lecture Series Grants
1. Harriet Zurndorfer
Leiden University (The Netherlands)
“Interdisciplinary Explorations of China’s Changing Gender Dynamics 1900-2015”
Grant amount: €10,000
Grant period: 1 year
2. Astrid Lipinsky
University of Vienna (Astria)
“Vienna Taiwan Lecture Series, continuation 2015-2018”
Grant amount: €16,000
Grant period: 2 years
C. Research Grants
1. Yu-Wen Chen
Nazarbayev University (Republic of Kazakhstan)
“Central Asian Perspectives on the Rise of China”
Grant amount: €61,700
Grant period: 3 years
2. Ester Bianchi
University of Perugia (Italy)
“Vinaya Revival in 20th Century China and Taiwan”
Grant amount: €62,000
Grant period: 3 years
3. David Martínez Robles
Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (Spain)
“Sino-Spanish Encounters in Taiwanese and European Archives: 1839-1939”
Grant amount: €20,000
Grant period: 3 years
4. Michael Friedrich
University of Hamburg (Germany)
“Written Law and Bureaucracy: The Emergence of Administrative Law during the Qin Dynasty, as Reflected in Legal Manuscripts”
Grant amount: €60,800
Grant period: 2 years
D. Conference and Seminar Grants
1. Henning Klöter
Göttingen University (Germany)
“Language Diversity in the Sinophone World: Policies, Effects, and Tradition”
Grant amount: €18,000
Grant period: 6 months
2. Franciscus Verellen
École Française d’Extrême-Orient (France)
“Daoist Lives -- Vies taoistes. An International Conference in Daoist Studies”
Grant amount: €17,000
Grant period: 6 months
3. Stefania Travagnin
University of Groningen (The Netherlands)
“Framing the Study of Religion in Modern China and Taiwan: Concepts, Methods and New Research Paths”
Grant amount: €24,000
Grant period: 6 months
4. Per Kjeld Sørensen
University of Leipzig (Germany)
“Fourth International Seminar of Young Tibetologist”
Grant amount: €10,000
Grant period: 6 months
5. Marc De Ferriere Le Vayer
Université François-Rabelais de Tours (France)
“14th International Conference on Chinese Food Culture: ‘Chinese Food Culture in Europe; French Food Culture in Asia’”
Grant amount: €16,000
Grant period: 6 months
E. Publication Subsidies
1. Patricia Radder
Brill Publishers (The Netherlands)
“A Late Sixteenth-Century Chinese Buddhist Fellowship: Spiritual Ambitions, Intellectual Debates, and Epistolary Connections”, by Jennifer Eichman
Grant amount: €5,118
Grant period: 1 year
2. Agita Baltgalve
University of Latvia (Latvia)
“Classical Chinese Textbook for Beginners (in Latvian)”
Grant amount: €3,450
Grant period: 1 year
3. Mózes Csoma
Foundation for Hungarian Sinology (Hungary)
“On the 20th Century History of China”, by Gyula Jordán
Grant amount: €4,300
Grant period: 1 year
4. Na Li
Brill Publishers (The Netherlands)
“Imagining Taiwan: The Making and the Museological Representation of Art in Taiwan’s Quest for Identity (1987-2010)”, by Sophie McIntyre
Grant amount: €7,000
Grant period: 1 year
F. Special Project Grants
1. Olga Lomová
Charles University in Prague (Czech Republic)
“Continuation of the Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation International Sinological Center at Charles University in Prague, 2015-2017”
Grant amount: €192,000
Grant period: 3 years
2. Jana S. Rošker
University of Ljubljana (Slovenia)
“‘The Wei Jin Nanbei Period and the Importance of Transition’ International Summer School in Ljubljana”
Grant amount: €45,000
Grant period: 1 year
G. Doctoral Fellowships
1. Jin Li Lim
University of London (UK)
“Tan Kah Kee and Qiaowu: The Discourse, Development and Determination of Overseas Chinese Policy in the People’s Republic of China, 1949–1959”
Grant amount: €15,000
Grant period: 1 year
2. Alastair Ewan Macdonald
University of London (UK)
“Techniques of Entertainment and Didacticism in Paian jingqi: A New Direction in the Vernacular Short Story?”
Grant amount: €15,000
Grant period: 1 year
3. Rens Krijgsman
University of Oxford (UK)
“The Textualization of Discourse in Early Chinese Manuscripts”
Grant amount: €15,000
Grant period: 1 year
4. Victor Louzon
Sciences Po (France)
“Taiwan’s 228 Incident: The Last Battle of the Sino-Japanese War?”
Grant amount: €15,000
Grant period: 1 year
5. Cecile Armand
Université Lumière Lyon 2
“Mapping the History of Advertising Spaces in Modern Shanghai (1900-1950s)”
Grant amount: €15,000
Grant period: 1 year
6. Catherine Hardie
University of Oxford (UK)
“Who Would’ve Thought, in this Mountain Valley…? The Growth of the Larung Movement and its Impact on the 21st Century Sino-Tibetan Religious Encounter”
Grant amount: €15,000
Grant period: 1 year
7. Yegor Grebnev
University of Oxford (UK)
“The Core Chapters of the Yi Zhou shu”
Grant amount: €15,000
Grant period: 1 year
8. Jonathan Chappell
University of Bristol (UK)
“The Taiping Intervention: The Understanding and Practice of Foreign Relations in Mid Nineteenth-Century China”
Grant amount: €15,000
Grant period: 1 year
9. Ziyan Wang
University of London (UK)
“Imagining an Emancipatory Labour Movement? The Mediated Political Struggle of Chinese Migrant Workers in Transitional China (PRC)”
Grant amount: €15,000
Grant period: 1 year
10. Vladimir Stolojan-Filipesco
Université Paris Diderot-Paris 7 (France)
“Elaboration of a National Memory: Chiang Kai-shek and his Rule in Taiwan”
Grant amount: €15,000
Grant period: 1 year
11. Jerome Doyon
Sciences Po (France)
“Between the Party and Youth: Tranformation of the Communist Youth League since the Reforms Era”
Grant amount: €15,000
Grant period: 1 year
12. Yu Qiu
University of Cambridge (UK)
“Doing Relationships: Love, Race and Ethics in a Globalized China”
Grant amount: €15,000
Grant period: 1 year
13. Chi Hung Luk
University of Oxford (UK)
“Water Borders: Governments, Insurgents, Westerners, and Chinese in Mid Nineteenth-Century South China”
Grant amount: €15,000
Grant period: 1 year
14. Ryanne Flock
Freie Universität Berlin (Germany)
“The Social Production of Urban Public Space in Reform Guangzhou”
Grant amount: €15,000
Grant period: 1 year
15. Rudolph Ng
University of Cambridge (UK)
“The Global Coolie Trade between China and Latin America in the Nineteenth Century”
Grant amount: €15,000
Grant period: 1 year
●Wait List
1. Cheuk Yin Li
University of London (UK)
“Zhongxing Phenomenon in Urban China and Hong Kong: Lived Experiences of Neutral Gender”
H. Postdoctoral Research Fellowships
1. Andrew Wormald
University of Groningen (The Netherlands)
“Chinese Buddhist Meditation: Religion and Modernity in Republican Era China (1912-1949)”
Grant amount: €24,300
Grant period: 2 years
2. Maddalena Barenghi
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (Germany)
“The Historiography of the Zizhi tongjian資治通鑑on the Five Dynasties Period: An Inquiry of the Selection of Sources and of Historical Discourses for the History of the Later Tang 後唐 (923-946) and Later Jin 後晉 (936-946)”
Grant amount: €17,740
Grant period: 1 year
3. Lara Momesso
Portsmouth University (UK)
“Fading Frontier, Multiplying Boundaries: Marriage, Migration and Family Formation across the Taiwan Strait”
Grant amount: €42,000
Grant period: 2 years
I. Dissertation Fellowships for ROC Students Abroad
1. Yang Fu
University of Cambridge (UK)
“Work and Well-being: Thinking about Economic Life in Early China”
Grant amount: €15,000
Grant period: 1 year
2. Han-chi Wang
Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales (France)
“A World in One Word of Chinese Buddhism: Analysis of Concept and History about Xiang in Kumarajiva’ Diamond Sutra”
Grant amount: €15,000
Grant period: 1 year
3. Yichung Pan
University of Aberdeen (UK)
“The Colonisation and Abandonment of Neolithic Islandscapes: A Case Study from the Penghu Archipelago, Taiwan”
Grant amount: €15,000
Grant period: 1 year
4. Kuan-Wen Wang
University of Sheffield (UK)
“Cultural and Socio-Economic Interaction Reflected by Glass Beads in Early Iron Age Taiwan”
Grant amount: €15,000
Grant period: 1 year
5. Pei-yi Ko
Université Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense
“Research for the Construction of a Hakka Confucian Society in the Greater Meinong Region (Taiwan) from the Rites and Music of Sanxianli”
Grant amount: €15,000
Grant period: 1 year
6. Cheng-Yi Shih
University of Leicester (UK)
“Museum Making in Taiwan: Viewing Production of Museum Architecture from Perspectives of Design and Use”
Grant amount: €15,000
Grant period: 1 year
7. Alice Chang-Jung Yang
Brunel University (UK)
“The Duty of Disclosure before International Criminal Courts -- An Analysis of its Possible Application to Transnational Crimes in Taiwan”
Grant amount: €15,000
Grant period: 1 year
8. Jyun-Ying Fu
Imperial College London (UK)
“Corporate Political Connections and Corporate Strategies in China”
Grant amount: €15,000
Grant period: 1 year
9. Hui-Tzu Huang
Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg (Germany)
“The Trans-regionalisation of Decentralised Energy: A Case Analysis of Freiburg, Higashi-Ohmi and Yuan Li”
Grant amount: €15,000
Grant period: 1 year
Recipients in the East European Region
(in order of application received) | Unit: Euro |
A. Library Acquisitions
1. Ondřej Klimeš
Czech Academy of Sciences (Czech Republic)
“Oriental Institute Library Acquisition Project”
Grant amount: €9,000
Grant period: 3 years
B. Research Grants
1. Martin Slobodník
Comenius University (Slovakia)
“Brothers in Arms -- Perceptions of China in Czechoslovakia in the 1950s”
Grant amount: €18,000
Grant period: 3 years
2. Frank Kraushaar
University of Latvia (Latvia)
“Compendium of Seminal Notions of Chinese Civilization”
Grant amount: €18,000
Grant period: 3 years
Recipients in the Asia-Pacific Region
(in order of application received) | Unit: US$ |
A. Lecture Series Grants
1. Tirta Nugraha Mursitama
Bina Nusantara University (Indonesia)
“Lecture Series on Cross-Strait Relations Interactions: Indonesia - Taiwan”
Grant amount: US$12,000
Grant period: 1 year
B. Research Grants
1. Wai Sum Lee
City University of Hong Kong (Hong Kong)
“Co-Articulation between Consonant and Vowel in Cantonese, Beijing Mandarin and Quanzhou”
Grant amount: US$93,000
Grant period: 3 years
2. Richard Walker
City University of Hong Kong (Hong Kong)
“A Comprehensive Test of Policy Innovation Theses: The Taiwanese Bookstart Programme”
Grant amount: US$70,000
Grant period: 2 years
3. John Makeham
Australian National University (Australia)
“Exegesis of the Awakening of Faith”
Grant amount: US$90,000
Grant period: 2 years
4. Yee-man Joyce Nip
University of Sydney (Australia)
“Online Public Opinion in Greater China: Similarities, Differences, and Mutual Influences”
Grant amount: US$60,000
Grant period: 2 years
5. Xiaohui Xie
Division of Humanities, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Wen-Liang Lee of Department of History, National Taiwan University (Taiwan)
“Negotiating the Southern Frontier in the Qing Empire: A Comparative Study on the Frontier Boundaries and Local Society in Taiwan and Western Hunan”
Grant amount: US$49,640
Grant period: 3 years
C. Conference and Seminar Grants
1. Angela Ki Che Leung
The University of Hong Kong (Hong Kong)
“International Conference on ‘Food and Health’”
Grant amount: US$25,000
Grant period: 6 months
2. Ting Gong
City University of Hong Kong (Hong Kong)
“Controlling Corruption: Greater China in Comparative Perspective”
Grant amount: US$24,000
Grant period: 6 months
3. Min Zhou
Nanyang Technological University (Singapore)
“Formation and Development of New Chinese Diasporas: A Transnational, Cross-regional, and Interdisciplinary Comparative Study”
Grant amount: US$25,000
Grant period: 6 months
D. Publication Subsidies
1. Peter Schoppert
National University of Singapore Press (Singapore)
“Changing Chinese Cities: The Potentials of Field Urbanism”, by Renée Y. Chow
Grant amount: US$8,000
Grant period: 1 year
E. Special Project Grants
1. David Faure
The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Hong Kong)
“CUHK-CCK Asia-Pacific Centre for Chinese Studies”
Grant amount: US$375,000
Grant period: 5 years