Grant Recipients ,2021-2022
Recipients in the Domestic Region Unit: NT$
(in order of date application received)
A. Research Grants
1. Chia-lin Lee
Graduate Institute of Linguistics, National Taiwan University, with Kara D. Federmeier of University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign (USA)
“Competition and Integration in Taiwan Mandarin Homograph Resolution”
Grant amount : NT$1,720,000
Grant period : 2 years
2. Yun-ru Chen
Graduate Institute of Art History, National Taiwan University, with Yukio Lippit of Harvard University (USA)
“Ming Painting Manuals and the East Asian Artistic Commons: Exploring Interactions in East Asian Visual Culture”
Grant amount : NT$1,300,000
Grant period : 3 years
3. Shih-chang Hsin
NTHU Chinese Language Center, National Tsing Hua University, with Axel Schneider of University of Göttingen (Germany) , et al.
“Exchange of Chinese Language Teaching and Its Impact between Europe and Taiwan from 1950 to the Beginning of the 21th Century -- A Qualitative Study Focusing on Scholars and Missionaries”
Grant amount : NT$1,980,000
Grant period : 3 years
B. Conference and Seminar Grants
1. Ching-fu Lin
Institute of Law for Science and Technology, National Tsing Hua University, with Matthew Erie of Oxford University (UK)
“Inter-Asian Law Workshop”
Grant amount : NT$700,000
Grant period : 6 months
Recipients in the American Region Unit: US$
(in order of date application received)
A. Research Grants
1. Timothy Rich
Western Kentucky University
“Public Trust in Taiwanese Political Institutions: A Multi-Method Analysis”
Grant amount : US$14,500
Grant period : 1 year
B. Scholar Grants
1. Richard Burdekin
Claremont McKenna College
“Quantifying China’s Monetary and Financial Reach Up through the Pandemic: The Experiences of Africa and the ASEAN Group”
Grant amount : US$18,000
Grant period : 1 year
2. Qiang Fu
University of British Columbia (Canada)
“Identity, Territorialization, and Discontinuity in Taiwan from the 1990s to the 2020s: An Augmented Temporal Analysis”
Grant amount : US$19,000
Grant period : 1 year
3. Robert Culp
Bard College
“Circuits of Meaning: Book Markets and Knowledge Production in Modern China, 1900-1965”
Grant amount : US$15,000
Grant period : 1 year
4. Lu Kou
Bard College
“War of Words: Courtly Exchange, Rhetoric, and Political Culture in Early Medieval China”
Grant amount : US$20,000
Grant period : 1 year
5. Bettine Birge
University of Southern California
“Governing Polyethnic China: The Dilemmas of Identity, Gender, and Social Order in China under Mongol Rule (1260-1368)”
Grant amount : US$20,000
Grant period : 1 year
6. Emily Wilcox
College of William and Mary
“Performing Solidarities: Third World Alliance as Choreographic Practice”
Grant amount : US$16,000
Grant period : 1 year
7. Wendy Leutert
Indiana University, Bloomington
“The International Origins of China’s ‘National’ Champions”
Grant amount : US$17,500
Grant period : 1 year
8. Meina Cai
University of Connecticut
“The Art of Negotiations: Legal Discrimination, Contention Pyramid, and Land Rights Development in China”
Grant amount : US$13,000
Grant period : 1 year
9. Manling Luo
Indiana University, Bloomington
“The Culture of Informal Storytelling: Narrative Epistemology and Information Networks in Medieval China”
Grant amount : US$20,000
Grant period : 1 year
C. Conference and Seminar Grants
1. James Lin
University of Washington, Seattle
“4th World Congress of Taiwan Studies”
Grant amount : US$25,000
Grant period : 6 months
2. Yen-yu Lin
North American Taiwan Studies Association
“North American Taiwan Studies Association 2022 Conference -- Taiwan Studies in Application”
Grant amount : US$20,000
Grant period : 6 months
3. Hsiao-wen Cheng
University of Pennsylvania
“Global Lives of Medicines: Materials, Markets, and Healing Practices across Asia”
Grant amount : US$15,000
Grant period : 6 months
D. Publication Subsidies
1. Amy Canonico
Yale University Press
“Artful Subversion: Empress Dowager Cixi’s Image Making in Art”, by Ying-chen Peng
Grant amount : US$5,000
Grant period : 1 year
2. Christian Winting
Columbia University Press
“Bordering Chinese Eco-Literatures (1980-2020)”, by Robin Visser
Grant amount : US$5,000
Grant period : 1 year
3. Christian Winting
Columbia University Press
“Fear of Seeing: Poetics and Politics of Chinese Science Fiction”, by Mingwei Song
Grant amount : US$5,000
Grant period : 1 year
4. Eric Lundgren
University of Minnesota Press
“Cinema Illuminating Reality: Media Philosophy through Buddhism”, by Victor Fan
Grant amount : US$5,000
Grant period : 1 year
5. Beth Fuget
University of Washington Press
“The Many Lives of the First Emperor of China”, by Anthony Barbieri-Low
Grant amount : US$5,000
Grant period : 1 year
6. Beth Fuget
University of Washington Press
“The Tibetan Nun Mingyur Peldrön: A Woman of Power and Privilege”, by Alison Melnick Dyer
Grant amount : US$5,000
Grant period : 1 year
7. Beth Fuget
University of Washington Press
“A Ming Confucian’s World: Selections from Miscellaneous Records from the Bean Garden”, annotated and translated by Mark Halperin
Grant amount : US$5,000
Grant period : 1 year
8. Iza Ding
University of Pittsburgh
“The Performative State: Public Scrutiny and Environmental Governance in China”, by Iza Ding
Grant amount : US$5,000
Grant period : 1 year
9. Christian Winting
Columbia University Press
“Imagining India in Modern China: Literary Decolonization and the Imperial Unconscious, 1895-1962”, by Gal Gvili
Grant amount : US$5,000
Grant period : 1 year
10. David Armstrong
Cambria Press
“Sensing the Sinophone: Urban Memoryscapes in Contemporary Fiction”, by Astrid Møller-Olsen
Grant amount : US$5,000
Grant period : 1 year
11. Beth Fuget
University of Washington Press
“Material Contradictions in Mao’s China”, edited by Jennifer Altehenger and Denise Y. Ho
Grant amount : US$5,000
Grant period : 1 year
E. Special Project Grants
1. Uri Tadmor
Brill Publishers (USA)
“Encyclopedia of Taiwan Studies Publication Project”
Grant amount : US$40,000
Grant period : 1 year
F. Doctoral Fellowships
1. Handi Li
Emory University
“Transparency for Authoritarian Stability: Open Government Information and Contention with Institutions in China”
Grant amount : US$20,000
Grant period : 1 year
2. Jinghong Zhang
University of California, Santa Cruz
“Down to the Roots: Teeth, Dentistry, and Oral Hygiene in Modern China, 1908-2021”
Grant amount : US$20,000
Grant period : 1 year
3. Chuncheng Liu
University of California, San Diego
“A Tale of Two Credits: Contested Algorithms of Trust of Chinese Social Credit Systems”
Grant amount : US$20,000
Grant period : 1 year
4. Huiqiao Yao
University of Arizona
“Popularizing the Sage: Wang Yangming and Vernacular Confucian Hagiographies in Late Imperial China”
Grant amount : US$20,000
Grant period : 1 year
5. Eliana Ritts
New York University
“Broadcasting Indigenous Futures: Contested Sovereignties at Taiwan Indigenous Television”
Grant amount : US$20,000
Grant period : 1 year
6. Tony Zirui Yang
Washington University in St. Louis
“Normalization: Explaining Public Support for Government Censorship in China”
Grant amount : US$20,000
Grant period : 1 year
7. Shasha Liu
University of Toronto (Canada)
“Mediating Dunhuang with Images in the 1940s-1990s”
Grant amount : US$20,000
Grant period : 1 year
8. Yuanqiu Jiang
Rutgers University, New Brunswick
“Reading the Voices in New Songs from a Jade Terrace”
Grant amount : US$20,000
Grant period : 1 year
9. Ming Fang
University of Maryland, College Park
“The College Expansion and the Marriage Market of China”
Grant amount : US$20,000
Grant period : 1 year
10. Jiying Jiang
University of California, San Diego
“‘Relevant Department’?: Ambiguous Delegations, Executive Factions and Lawmaking in China”
Grant amount : US$20,000
Grant period : 1 year
11. Yuan Gao
Georgetown University
“China’s Great West: Environment and Economy in Late Qing and Early Republican Xinjiang, 1877-1927”
Grant amount : US$20,000
Grant period : 1 year
12. Christine Welch
University of Wisconsin, Madison
“Touring a Floating World: Travel to the Immortal Isles in Pre-Modern East Asian Literature”
Grant amount : US$20,000
Grant period : 1 year
13. Shu Chang
University of California, Santa Cruz
“The Life and Death of the Socialist Factory: Spatial Politics and Factory Life in China, 1958 to the Present”
Grant amount : US$20,000
Grant period : 1 year
14. Xiaoshan Yin
University of Maryland, College Park
“Tradition under (Re)construction: The Guqin in Contemporary China”
Grant amount : US$20,000
Grant period : 1 year
15. Ke Nie
University of California, San Diego
“Steer the Sound: Organizing, Regulating, and Practicing Musical Creativity in China”
Grant amount : US$20,000
Grant period : 1 year
16. Shiqi Lin
University of California, Irvine
“Documentation as Relay: Transmedia Storytelling in Contemporary China”
Grant amount : US$20,000
Grant period : 1 year
17. Jiangnan Li
Arizona State University
“Imperial Power and the Three Teachings in Song China (960-1279): A History of Discourses”
Grant amount : US$20,000
Grant period : 1 year
18. Ruochen Bo
University of Toronto (Canada)
“Edward Yang and Aesthetic Education”
Grant amount : US$20,000
Grant period : 1 year
19. Melody Shum
Northwestern University
“The Vietnamese Revolutionary Underground in South China: Native Place, Legal Imperialism, and Spaces of Insurrection (c.1880-1940)”
Grant amount : US$20,000
Grant period : 1 year
20. Man Xu
University of Toronto (Canada)
“In the Space of Exception: Global Brokerage by Hui Muslims and the Governance of Transnational Trade in Yiwu”
Grant amount : US$20,000
Grant period : 1 year
21. Xuan Jin
University of California, Berkeley
“An Alternative Path to Modernity? A Genealogy of the Geist of China’s Reform Era”
Grant amount : US$20,000
Grant period : 1 year
G. Dissertation Fellowships for ROC Students Abroad
1. Yu-cheng Shih
Brown University
“Fluid State: Environmental Changes and Littoral Communities on Lake Tai, 1850-1949”
Grant amount : US$20,000
Grant period : 1 year
2. Zhe-chen Guo
University of Texas, Austin
“The Effect of English Clear Speech Production on Speech Segmentation: A Study with Mandarin and English Listeners”
Grant amount : US$20,000
Grant period : 1 year
3. Wen-yao Lee
University of Kansas, Lawrence
“Anthropological Constructions of Ethnicity and Kinship in the Sino-Tibetan Borderlands: Dialogues and Frictions between Anglophone and Sinophone Ethnographies”
Grant amount : US$20,000
Grant period : 1 year
Recipients in the European Region Unit: € |
(in order of date application received) |
A. Research Grants
1. Yu-lin Hsu
University of Strathclyde (UK)
“The Analysis of Adopting Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures”
Grant amount : €32,000
Grant period : 2 years
2. Benoit Favre
Aix-Marseille Université (France)
“China’s Great Brain Gain: A Data-rich History of American-educated Chinese (1850-1950)”
Grant amount : €72,000
Grant period : 3 years
B. Database Grants
1. Ralph Weber
University of Basel (Switzerland)
“Mapping New Confucian Networks (1911-2021)”
Grant amount : €84,000
Grant period : 3 years
C. Conference and Seminar Grants
1. Sandrine Marchand
University of Artois (France)
“Singularities in Taiwanese Literature”
Grant amount : €16,000
Grant period : 6 months
D. Publication Subsidies
1. Patricia Radder
Brill Publishers (The Netherlands)
“Knowledge, Power, and Networks: Elites in Transition in Modern China”, edited by Christian Henriot, Cécile Armand, and Huei-min Sun
Grant amount : €4,850
Grant period : 1 year
2. Lucy Rhymer
Cambridge University Press (UK)
“Structures of Governance in Song Dynasty China, 960-1279 CE”, by Charles Hartman
Grant amount : €2,900
Grant period : 1 year
3. Nicoletta Celli
European Association for Asian Art and Archaeology (Slovenia)
“Centering Periphery: New Perspectives on Collecting East Asia”, edited by Nicoletta Celli
Grant amount : €3,200
Grant period : 1 year
4. Isabelle Cheng
University of Portsmouth (UK)
“Performing in Two Worlds: Intimacy, Entrepreneurship and Activism of East Asian Migrants Online and Offline”, edited by Isabelle Cheng and Beatrice Zani
Grant amount : €6,000
Grant period : 1 year
E. Doctoral Fellowships
1. Thomas Barrett
University of Oxford (UK)
“Friends in Far Places: Foreigners and the Making of the Chinese Diplomat, 1877-1928”
Grant amount : €16,800
Grant period : 1 year
2. Jun Feng
University of London (UK)
“Ritual Music in Contemporary China: Paizi Luo Shawm and Percussion Bands and Social Change in Hubei Province (China)”
Grant amount : €16,800
Grant period : 1 year
3. Luis Fernando Bernardi Junqueira
University of London (UK)
“The Science of the Spirit: Psychical Research, Healthcare and the Revival of the Occult in a Modernising China, 1900-1949”
Grant amount : €16,800
Grant period : 1 year
4. Tabitha Speelman
Leiden University (The Netherlands)
“Beyond Friends and Foes: Immigration Policy-Making in Contemporary China”
Grant amount : €16,800
Grant period : 1 year
5. Bingbing Shi
University of Cambridge (UK)
“History Remediated: Adaptations of War Literature on Contemporary Chinese Screen”
Grant amount : €16,800
Grant period : 1 year
6. Pak Ka Chan
University of Oxford (UK)
“Successively Receiving from Masters: The Developmental History of Classical Interpretations in Han Dynasty China (206 BC-220)”
Grant amount : €16,800
Grant period : 1 year
7. Lea Cantor
University of Oxford (UK)
“Parmenides and Zhuangzi on Formulating what Can (and Cannot) Be Known”
Grant amount : €16,800
Grant period : 1 year
8. Jean Corbi
Sciences Po (France)
“Physicians and the State in Late-Republican Sichuan, 1927-1949”
Grant amount : €16,800
Grant period : 1 year
9. Tina Berdajs
University of Ljubljana (Slovenia)
“Issues of Dating and Provenance of the East Asian Ceramic Vessels in Slovene Museum Collections”
Grant amount : €16,800
Grant period : 1 year
10. Marta Pavone
Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales (France)
“An Anthropological Survey of the Deterritorialization of Local Worship and the Market-Oriented Organization of a Religious Site: The Case of the Tudi Gong Worship of Hunglodei Temple, Taiwan”
Grant amount : €16,800
Grant period : 1 year
11. Feng Guo
The University of Edinburgh (UK)
“Reinventing the Frontier: The Northwest in Modern Chinese Mass Media (1931-1945)”
Grant amount : €16,800
Grant period : 1 year
12. Tao Hong
École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (France)
“Histories of Tongzhi/Queer Activism in China: An Inquiry into the Making of Activists, Collectives and Publics”
Grant amount : €16,800
Grant period : 1 year
F. Postdoctoral Research Fellowships
1. Rols Johan
The Needham Research Institute (UK)
“Religious Prohibitions Related to Flora and Natural Sites from Late Antiquity to High Middle Ages”
Grant amount : €21,000
Grant period : 1 year
2. Massimiliano Canale
University of Naples “L’Orientale” (Italy)
“Elegance and Vulgarity, Orthodoxy and Heterodoxy in the Eleventh-Century Song Lyric”
Grant amount : €21,000
Grant period : 1 year
3. Carmen Lepadat
Roma Tre University (Italy)
“Taiwan Mandarin Sentence-Final Pragmatic Markers: Types and Functions”
Grant amount : €21,000
Grant period : 1 year
G. Dissertation Fellowships for ROC Students Abroad
1. Hsin-ko Yu
Delft University of Technology (The Netherlands)
“Urban Regeneration in Taiwan: Property Ownership, Publicness and Participation in Spatial Planning”
Grant amount : €16,800
Grant period : 1 year
2. Tsao-ching Chan
University of Göttingen (Germany)
“Human Dignity in Confucianism and Its Current Development in Taiwan: An Analysis of the Legal Philosophical Concept and a Comparison with Its Formation in the European Development”
Grant amount : €16,800
Grant period : 1 year
H. Special Project Grants
1. Bart Dessein
European Association of Chinese Studies (Belgium)
“EACS 24th Biennial Conference and EACS Young Scholar Award”
Grant amount : €15,000
Grant period : 1 year
Recipients in the Asia-Pacific Region
(in order of application received) |
Unit: US$ |
A. Lecture Series Grants
1. Chia-rong Wu
University of Canterbury (New Zealand)
“Taiwan Literature in the 21st Century”
Grant amount : US$10,800
Grant period : 1 year
B. Research Grants
1. Heong Hong Por
Universiti Sains Malaysia (Malaysia)
“Remaking Colonial Legacy Into National Heritage: Comparing Leprosarium Conservation Movement in Taiwan, South Korea and Malaysia”
Grant amount : US$30,000
Grant period : 1 year
2. Michel Dalissier
Kanazawa University (Japan)
“The Bergson Trace in Contemporary Chinese Philosophy Toward a Comparative Study with Japan”
Grant amount : US$40,800
Grant period : 3 years
3. Michael Haugh
University of Queensland (Australia)
“What is Offence? A Sociopragmatic Investigation of Online Public Shaming in Taiwan”
Grant amount : US$75,000
Grant period : 3 years
C. Publication Subsidies
1. John Delury
Yonsei University (Republic of Korea)
“Agents of Subversion: The Fate of John T. Downey and the CIA’s Covert War in China”, by John Delury
Grant amount : US$3,500
Grant period : 1 year
D. Dissertation Fellowships for ROC Students Abroad
1. Hui-ping Lee
Tokyo University of the Arts (Japan)
“Revisiting Postwar Contemporary East Asian Music History: Chou Wen-chung’s Late Compositions in the Context of Global History of Music, Interculturality and Musical Representation”
Grant amount : US$20,000
Grant period : 1 year