The European Association for Chinese Studies (EACS) Biennial Conference, Young Scholar Award, and Library Travel Grants
The European Association for Chinese Studies (EACS), founded in 1975, is an international organization representing China scholars from all over Europe, and currently boasts over 700 members. Since 1994, the Foundation has provided funding for the EACS’ Biennial Conference and Library Travel Grants. The Biennial Conference provides an excellent opportunity for scholars from Europe and the rest of the world to gather together and discuss the latest trends in the field of Chinese Studies, while Library Travel Grants enable younger researchers primarily from Central and East European countries to make short visits of one week in major West European sinological libraries, including Cambridge, Oxford, London, Leiden, Paris, Heidelberg, and Munich. While funds are limited, they are of immense value to these scholars as they launch their academic careers.
Beginning in 2004, the Foundation has also helped the EACS support the careers of junior scholars with its Young Scholar Award for the top three papers submitted by such individuals to the Biennial Conference. Each winner receives a monetary award, as well as the honor of presenting her/his findings to the General Assembly.